CPA Leads private lead generation network

Cost Per Action
CPAlead is a private lead generation network specializing in CPA offers, PPC advertising, and CPI mobile app installs. Since 2007, has paid out over $100,000,000


What Is CPA ?!!

CPA is "cost per action" According to Wikipedia " Cost Per Acquisition", which has to do with the fact that most CPA offers by advertisers are about acquiring something (typically new customers by making sales).

Using the term "Cost Per Acquisition" instead of "Cost Per Action" is not incorrect in such cases, but not all "Cost Per Action" offers can be referred to as "Cost Per Acquisition " CPA is a good Internet Marketing Method, commonly preferred by publishers and advertisers CPA Is Usually a Big Profit to publishers, but never a loss to anyone as you won't have to invest any money into it Sometimes it's a Major Profit To People


