Top 10 Free Courses to Learn Node.js in 2024

The process JavaScript is created with has been altered by Node.js. Since JavaScript operates on a screen and is primarily used in graphics and verification on the client side or interactivity.


The process JavaScript is created with has been altered by Node.js. Since JavaScript operates on a screen and is primarily used in graphics and verification on the client side or interactivity. 


It was previously considered to be an application-side language. 36.42 per cent of developers utilize libraries modules, tools, and other resources that are part of The Node.js ecosystem.


The online classes are beneficial for those who are interested in becoming full-stack developers because of the widespread acceptance of Node.js as well as JavaScript.


Additionally, many professionals are also learning about JavaScript along with the Node.js platform to help them become professionals. Here is a list of the most popular courses to learn Node.js which you could learn.


Free Courses to Learn Node.js in 2024


1. Learning Node.js API Programming


One of the best introduction Node.js tutorials online is this. You will learn Node.js API Programming from scratch in this course.


This course will help you be taught all you require about beginning with Node.js beginning with understanding the basics of what it is and why you should master it to the process of setting up the development platform and learning the way JavaScript operates in browsers and environments that do not need it.


You will learn about Modern JavaScript, the Node.js event circuit, adaptive programming, Node.js components, NPM modules, generating your functions, constructing servers, creating connections to databases and transferring JSON reactions within this course.


2. The programming of servers is done with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB


Introduction to Web technologies, such as HTTP as well as HTTP Secure which is followed by a detailed explanation of the use of Node.js as well as Node.js plugins such as Express to create web hosts. 


Then, you'll learn the basic CRUD operations that databases use, NoSQL systems in general, MongoDB, and Mongoose to connect MongoDB to Node.js and CRUD basics. actions for relational databases.


Then, you'll be able to discover backend-as-a-system (BaaS) strategies that incorporate mobile BaaS as well as open-source and commercial BaaS services. 


A different component of Full-Stack Website designing with React can be found in this application. Your performance during this program will be reflected in your expertise in learning once you've completed the program.


Note: If you reside in Surat and have an interest in pursuing offline courses, DecodeX offers "Best Node.JS Training Course in Surat" and "Best Laravel Training Course in Surat" that can assist you in achieving your marketing objectives.


3. Introduction of Node.js


Another free course to the Node.js learning software from Microsoft as well as The edX Team. The most complete beginner's guide using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB to create web applications. 


Learn the basics of Node.js and its major components with this open-source courseware. You'll also learn how you can use npm for setting your site up and installing additional modules.


Then, you'll be able to set up an online service with Express and how to use Mongoose to connect to the MongoDB database. In the end, you'll be using Node.js to develop some useful applications when you complete the course.


 These include the web scraper, a web-building API and an asset management script for digital assets is a fantastic introduction to Node.js training to get up and running.


4. Outline of Node.js and Express


A second free introduction to Node.js together with Express for beginners is available on this page. This course teaches Node.js and Express step-by-step and is highly instructive. The ten-part series covers:


  • Project Organisation
  • Static Resources
  • Templating Tools
  • Adaptive Requests
  • working with POST data
  • Data Modelling Dynamic
  • Style and Pictures
  • Middleware
  • Implementation


Many companies employ an entire-stack developer. After this course, you'll be able to build an entirely functional web application and grasp the basics of Node.js/Express development.


5. Beginning with Node.js


The course provides a fantastic introduction to Node.js covers the development of Asynchronous programming using channels and sequels, and shows how you can utilize NPM to build modular programs ().


In this course you will learn about the following subjects about Node.js:


  • Node.js: What, Why, and How.
  • Patterns, Globals, and Functions in Node.js
  • Package Management for Node.js
  • Working modules for CommonJs


Additionally, you will learn how to build and scale web-based applications with built-in APIs as well as a few crucial third-party components.


6. Learn to code using Node.js


This is the most effective Node.js training online that teaches basic to expert-level web programming as well as developing skills using Node.js as well as Express for experienced and novice Node.js developers who want to develop into full-stack programmers by understanding how to create and deploy a REST API.


Learn how to build practical functions, such as navigation and search, categorization clustering, geolocation, geographic mapping security, registration, the admin interface, log-in details pictures uploaded transactions, and much more. Additionally, you'll learn to fix mistakes when they occur.


7. Node.js course in just 3 hours


Another no-cost Node.js training session is offered through the FreeCodeCamp Channel on YouTube. You can learn everything you need to learn about Node.js in this three-hour free of ads. 


You can run "npm install ejs" to solve the issue during the time your Node.js program starts at 2:25:24. It says "Error Could not find the module "js".


8. Portfolio website built using Node.js and Express


Through this hands-on, project-based course, you will learn to make use of Node.js as well as Express to create a robust, fully functional portfolio site. 


As you progress you'll learn how to handle requests, template engines, databases, REST APIs for uploading pictures, as well as AJAX calls made with JQuery. It is possible to create your report on an online portfolio portal before.


In the end, this program will help you prepare for the next actions:


  • Project Organisation
  • Temporary Engine
  • Demand Routing
  • Procedures for CRUD
  • Uploading files
  • CMS for blogs and projects
  • jQuery and AJAX


If you're interested in joining the world of web development and want to get started, this online Node.js training is an excellent option. It isn't necessary to travel to attend them since they don't require a place in a class. The classes are on the internet.


9. Web Development using Node.js' Power


There are no requirements for the program, which will run 4 weeks. Learners will study the basic concepts in the first week of the program, and other topics such as entities and operations will be discussed during this second part of the program. 


The course will also teach the basic principles behind using the Node.js framework. In addition, the basics of a web-based platform's core design and the many components that make up an application will be covered in the third week.


The various frameworks and tools that are used to build applications will be also explained to the students, as well as the way data is shared through APIs. Furthermore, the making and operation of Node.js Server and contact with different networks will be explained to the students.

10. Courses for Node.js Certification


Utilizing the Node.js course, students can develop functional network functions and comprehend server-side programming. 


Students will be able to thoroughly discuss concepts such as Express, Node.js network controller and shrink-wrap. NPM Vet, HTTPS, MongoDB, MySQL, and functions that rely on CRUD. These are just some of the most important subjects covered in the course:


  • JQuery Framework Framework
  • Projects for Node.js
  • Both Node.js and HTTP Server
  • Channels and events are buffered
  • Node.js multiprocessing
  • Learn Express




In the end, Node.js has been crucial for any full-stack development firm. However, the fact is that JavaScript is used in both the side of the application and the database.


Development costs are cut by 58 percent when Node.js is utilized. Furthermore, after using Node.js for longer than two years, companies have seen a reduction of 12 percent in capital expenditure. 


After you have completed these courses and if you want to study more basic Node.js concepts or explore Node.js in depth it is possible to turn to other resources. While they're not free, they're not expensive and are worth the money.
