Are You Thinking Of Using SYNTHETIC URINE?

It includes an anatomically correct male penis with synthetic urine identical to human urine. Furthermore, its design makes it possible to conceal odors and chemicals.

Whizzinator Touch Review Archives Space Coast Daily, 56% OFF


This device comprises of an empty fake dildo with a hole for urine to pass through and heating pads that keep synthetic urine warm.

The Whizzinator may fool drug testers in unsupervised tests, but it cannot be relied upon to pass more thorough scrutiny. Furthermore, its upkeep costs are costly.

Realistic Appearance

WHIZZINATOR is an easy and realistic synthetic urine kit. This set comes complete with a fake penis, one vial of lab-grade Gold'n Shower dehydrated synthetic urine with identical pH, color, smell and specific gravity as real human pee and two eight-hour heat pads - plus temperature indicator and instructions!

The Whizzinator has become widely-known for its ability to help people pass drug tests; however, its use raises ethical concerns as it undercuts the purpose of drug testing in various contexts.

Reliable Results

Whizzinator can assist individuals with passing urine tests when used correctly; however, strict adherence to instructions is paramount - any deviation could lead to a positive test result and should also be kept warm to be effective. Although many devices exist that claim they can help people submit fake urine, only certain devices are reliable enough.

Whizzinator has built its reputation by consistently producing results that come close to real pee. Their proprietary formula containing uric acid and creatine mimics natural urine perfectly, being toxin-free while being carefully balanced for specific gravity, pH levels, and other important urine characteristics.

The company also offers the WHIZZINATOR Touch, an anatomically correct prosthetic that looks and acts like an authentic penis. Available in five skin tones for men or women to use, the device comes complete with Golden Shower synthetic urine which mimics real urine in both ingredients and smell. In addition, two eight-hour heat pads and an instructional user manual complete the package.

Easy to Use

Whizzinator is easy to use, with an extensive manual providing guidance through every step. Additionally, its four heat pads help maintain body temperature for accurate urine sampling in tests; additionally, this discreet device features a waistband to hide fake penis and urine during use. Note however, that success relies heavily upon following all instructions exactly.

Whizzinator stands out in a market of competing fake pee products by virtue of its accuracy and ease of use, making it particularly valuable in situations in which urine samples are directly observed, such as workplace drug tests or parole and probation offices where fraudulent means may lead to severe legal implications. Therefore, this device has become popular with those struggling to pass drug tests.


The Whizzinator is a device created to assist people in passing urine drug tests by providing fake penis, synthetic urine and heating pads. It's simple and can be purchased online; for optimal performance however, purchasing from trusted forums or original manufacturers with return policies and shipping options.

Whizzinators require users to follow detailed instructions provided in their user manual for accurate usage. Prep involves mixing dry urine with water before adding it to a bag with heating pads, so as to maintain optimal temperatures when collecting samples. It is crucial not to expose the kit during collection in order to avoid false positive results and false negative results.

The WHIZZINATOR synthetic urine device is one of the most sought-after products on the market, acclaimed for its realistic look and ability to pass urine tests. Furthermore, its cost is highly affordable while there is also a variety of colors to choose from.


