Does the Whizzinator Pass Drug Tests?

It is also against state and local laws in some jurisdictions to resell or use the device for any illegal purposes. In those cases, the user would be subject to criminal and civil penalties, as well as a potential loss of license or certification. The product is legal in all other states a

The Whizzinator is an inarguably goofy device: a glorified dildo with a hole that clean urine can sluice through. It’s dumb enough to be funny, until you zoom out from the silly device and consider the larger cultural context that makes it necessary. The Whizzinator exists so that someone—perhaps a minimum-wage employee who’d rather get high in the comfort of their own home than at their office, or a professional athlete who’d rather medicate their chronic pain with weed instead of team doctor-prescribed opioids—can do their job without being arrested for drug possession.


The original version of the Whizzinator gained fame in 2005 when former Minnesota Viking Onterrio Smith was caught with one as he went through security at an airport. The device, a strap-on penis outfitted with a warmed external bladder that can be filled with either clean or synthetic urine, was specifically marketed as a way to cheat on a drug test. The parent company was shut down and the original owners pleaded guilty to conspiracy to sell drug paraphernalia and defraud the United States government, but determined individuals continue to use the device for its intended purpose.


Since 2008, the Whizzinator has been sold under new ownership as an adult novelty device, but the old reputation persists. A West Texas probation officer says he’s aware of five people who’ve used the device to try to beat a drug test. One of them was caught after an alert probation officer heard a “clink” as the device sat against a glass cup that the person supposedly was urinating into.


Authentic whizzinator touch  products are currently available online and at a number of retailers, including Amazon and Ebay. However, it is important to note that there are also fraudulent versions of the whizzinator amazon being sold online. These fake products are made of substandard materials and will not function correctly when used to pass a drug test.

To ensure that you are buying a genuine Whizzinator, you should purchase directly from the manufacturer’s website. The manufacturer, Alternative Lifestyle Systems, warns users that it is illegal to use the product to cheat on a federally administered drug test (such as those required for truck drivers and other jobs regulated by the Department of Transportation). Doing so can result in prison time. Experience the revolutionary Whizzinator amazon - explore more here.


The manufacturer recommends that you start preparing your Whizzinator two hours before your drug test. It is important to prepare the fake urine correctly to ensure that it will work when used to pass a urine drug test. This includes warming the fake urine to body temperature, adding a small amount of water and using a quality heat pad. The artificial urine should not be flushed down the toilet after use as this can cause it to fail. The Whizzinator is also available in different skin tones so that you can match it to your own urine color. The synthetic urine is also free of preservatives and biocide, making it safe to use.


