How to Draw An Eyeball Easily

How to Draw An Eyeball. Our eyes are incredibly important parts of our body. You're using it to read this right now, and we're using it almost every second we're awake daily.


How to Draw An Eyeball. Our eyes are incredibly important parts of our body. You're using it to read this right now, and we're using it almost every second we're awake every day.

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They are also important because when we interact with someone, we usually look at their eyes first and they are therefore an important part of our identity.

Even though we see eyes in one way or another every day, learning how to draw an eyeball can still be difficult. You wouldn't believe that, but getting it right can be quite a challenge.

That's what this guide is for because we're going to show you how to draw one yourself. In addition to explaining how to draw a drawing, we'll look at some ways you can customize your drawing in a fun way.

So grab your favorite drawing and painting tools and let's find out how to draw this important organ.

How to Draw An Eyeball

Step 1

All you really need for this eyeball drawing is a pencil or pen, but there are a few tools that can make it a lot easier. For this design, we will make a lot of circles.

Drawing perfect circles freehand is virtually impossible. So if you want them to be perfect you have to use a drawing tool.

A drawing compass is the best tool for this task. These tools have a sharp point that you put on the side and then use the pencil to snip off the other end.

It can then be rotated in a perfect circle via the dot on the side. If you don't have a drawing circle, you can buy one inexpensively at any stationery or art store.

Another option is to use a circular stencil or flat circular object that you can trace around. In a pinch, you can also use something like a glass lid.

If you have nothing to use, you can do your best to draw a circle as smoothly as possible. It doesn't matter if it's not perfect! In this first step, we will draw the first half of the circle that will form the main outline.

It doesn't matter what you use to draw. We can move on to step 2 when you're ready.

Step 2

You've created half of the outline of the eyeball, but in this step, we'll finish it off by drawing the rest. How you do this depends on the method you used to draw the first half.

If you used a drawing compass, simply continue to move to close the circle. If you used a stencil, you can continue moving the circle in a similar fashion.

Regardless of which method you used, you can look at the rim and make sure it's smooth throughout. Either method can create small holes or spots that your pen or pencil can't reach.

These should be easy to fix, and then we've come full circle! Even if you use a tool as an aid, it can take some getting used to. So be sure to practice a few times until you get the hang of it.

If you don't have any tools at hand, we recommend that you draw slowly with a very light pencil. Take it as slow as possible so it goes as smoothly as possible.

If you have something that comes as close as possible to a smooth, perfect circle, you can go over it with a darker pen or your marker.

Now that we have the outline of the outer circle of this eyeball, we can start drawing some of the inner details!

Step 3

The iris is the part of the eye that is colored and we will now add this part to your eyeball design.

To achieve this, we will essentially do what we did in the first phase, only on a smaller scale.

In our example, we have the iris slightly off-center of the whole eyeball, but you can place it somewhere else if you like. The iris can be placed almost anywhere on the eyeball.

As you can see in the reference image, the iris on the eyeball is actually quite large. It should be about half the size of the real eyeball, maybe a little smaller.

When drawing, you can use the same drawing tools and methods that we recommended for the eyeball in the first two steps.

The way you do this will be largely the same, but now that the circle is smaller it gets a little more complicated.

It might be harder to draw with a compass now, but ironically it gets a little easier when you do it freehand.

Remember that you can practice drawing with a light-colored pencil before adding the final lines.

As you probably know, the iris has a lot more detail, even if you don't count eye colors. The iris looks a bit bare at the moment, but we'll add more details later.

Now that you have the iris in its most basic form, we still need to draw a circle before we get into the final details. So let's go ahead and add this one to step 4 of the guide!

Step 4

The pupil of the eye is a small black dot in the center from which we see. This is what we will add in this step to prepare for some final details.

To draw the pupil, we're going to use some similar methods that were used to draw all other aspects of the eye. It is therefore advisable to use a drawing compass or a stencil.

However, if you need to draw a circle freehand, that would probably be easiest since it's so small to the eye. When drawing the pupil, try to place it in the center of the iris, or at least as close as possible.

Once you have the student there, all you have to do is fill it. The pupil is a large black dot. So be sure to color them in one color.

Now that the pupil is drawn, we're ready for the final details. If you have drawn rough versions or eye aids with your pencil, we no longer need them.

You can now delete any of these lines, but be careful when doing so. If there is fresh feather ink, it may smudge if you erase it too soon. Also, you don't want to erase lines that you plan to include in the final drawing.

With that said, let's focus on some final details and make this drawing even cooler!

Step 5

Now it's time to make this eyeball drawing even better with some minor details.

We'll also discuss some ways you can make the drawing even more unique in no time, but let's get into those details first.

First, create a shimmer on the eye by drawing a small oval shape on the iris. This will make the iris much more realistic.

For this, we add many lines from the outline to the center of the pupil. These should be fairly straight and you can try to fit in as many as you can for a realistic look.

Next, we'll finish off the design by adding lots of small veining details on the outer edge of the eyeball. That's a pretty scary twist, but it looks pretty cool.

With that, we have completed the design and can move on to the final phase! Before you do, be sure to add any other fun details you might enjoy.

There are some creative ways to complete this work of art. For a different kind of rough touch, you could add the optic nerve that hangs down from the eye.

It might also be fun to draw a background like a jar full of eyeballs. From a more educational angle, you could label the different parts of the eye.

These are some ideas you can try, but let your creativity run free and come up with some fun interpretations!

Step 6

We are now ready to finish this design with some colors. In our example, we kept the colors more muted and simple.

We used brown for the iris and a much lighter shade of brown for the rest of the eyeball.

Staining of the iris can be facilitated by the medium used. For example, let's say you drew the eyeball with a black pencil.

In this case, coloring the iris is difficult because you need to color all the detailed areas of the iris. There are a few ways you can make it easier.

For example, you could use a medium like watercolor and apply enough light to still show the pen lines underneath. Of course, you don't even have to stick with the same colors as us.

You can make the iris any other color you like, it could match the color of your eyes or you could have any other color you like. It doesn't necessarily have to be a realistic color.

You can also add some extra fun color details. For example, you can make the veins in your eyes more obvious by highlighting them with a red pencil.

Not only can you try different media, it can be fun to mix them together. So using a medium that's lighter for the bulk and harder for the smaller details will bring out those details.

Your Eyeball Drawing is Finished!
