How to pick the appropriate medical liquid screen for your needs

Where can I purchase a screen that is appropriate for use in medical applications? How to choose the most suitable medical liquid screen for your needs


Where can I purchase a screen that is appropriate for use in medical applications? How to choose the most suitable medical liquid screen for your needs. As technological development moves forward, more and more applications for LCD screens are being developed for use in the medical industry. Many terminal equipment and medical equipment require medical LCD screens. Given that there is such a wide variety of LCD screens on the market right now, we are frequently asked the question, "Where can I find it?"How to determine which LCD screen will work best for a particular medical application.

Which types of LCD screens are best suited for use in medical applications?

1. Select a medical display screen that satisfies the following criteria from the point of view of the certification:

Display screens for medical equipment are only going to be recognized by the medical industry if they have both the CCC certification and the FDA certification. Certifications for safety: medical display screens that have been awarded CE, UL, or CCC certifications are recognized as meeting the criteria for safe use.

2. Select the screen layout for the medical information to be displayed based on the following available parameters:

1. It is recommended that the diagnostic workstation be outfitted with 3MP and 5MP monitors, with 3MP being the primary option for individuals who do not have access to mammography or flat-panel DR. 2. It is also recommended that the diagnostic workstation be outfitted with a printer.

2. OLED manufacturers is recommended that observation and teaching workstations be equipped with monitors capable of a resolution of 2 megapixels for the former and 1 megapixel for the latter.

3. The optional medical display screen comes pre-installed with a dedicated graphics card that generates grayscale at a resolution of 10 bits.

3. Make a selection of the medical display screen using the function selector.

1. an optional medical display screen that is capable of DICOM calibration and comes with specialized software for calibrating the screen;

2. There is an optical sensor interface located on the back of the display screen. This interface needs to be connected to the optical sensor in order for the screen to be calibrated correctly. In the event that this connection is not made, it will be impossible to calibrate the screen.

3. In order to ensure that the brightness of the medical display screen does not change over time and that the system display screen can keep its consistency and integrity, a medical display screen that is equipped with a device that maintains a constant level of brightness is chosen for the system display screen.

4. Because of the demands of teaching and the practices of doctors, medical professionals in the United States of America and in other countries are accustomed to using pens to point on the film or display screen in order to express their perspectives on the particular details of the image. The liquid crystal display (LCD) screen is made of a material that is susceptible to damage. In order to satisfy the prerequisites of the clinical environment, the display has been modified. The manufacturer of the screen will be the one in charge of affixing the protective plate to the LCD screen during the manufacturing process. This will be their responsibility.


LVDS, TTL, and RSDS are the three interfaces that can be found on the LCD screen, and each one will be explained in great detail here.

There is a significant amount of inexperienced users who are completely baffled about how to differentiate between the various interface types of LCD screens. Which type of display does it have—a TTL display, an LVDS display, or an RSDS display? Understanding what is going on is never a simple or straightforward process. How then can we quickly find out what kind of interface the LCD screen makes use of? This still calls for a certain amount of experience. The information that follows is an introduction to the classification of the interface types based on the style of the screen cable interface of the screen, and it is provided to assist you in rapidly determining the interface type of the screen. The information that follows is an introduction to the classification of the interface types based on the style of the screen cable interface of the screen. I would like to ask for your forgiveness in advance for any shortcomings that may be present in the following procedures, as they are derived from my own personal experience that has been accumulated over a considerable amount of time.

1) Particulars regarding the design of the user interface for the TTL screen:

D6T (single 6-bit TTL): 31 pins, 41 pins. The corresponding screen sizes are predominately LCD screens for notebooks with dimensions of 8 inches, 10 inches, 11 inches, and 12 inches; however, some desktop screens have dimensions of 15 inches and are equipped with a 41-pin interface. The LCD screens for notebooks come in sizes of 8 inches, 10 inches, 11 inches, and 12 inches.

S6T (dual 6-bit TTL): 30+45-pin flexible cable, 60-pin, 70-pin, 80-pin. The vast majority of them are desktop LCD screens with dimensions of either 14 or 15 inches.

(2) Additional information regarding the user interface format of LVDS screens:

D6L (single 6-bit LVDS):Connectors with 14 pins, 20 pins, 14 pins, and 30 pins are the most typical sizes found in notebook LCD screens of various sizes (12 inches, 13 inches, 14 inches, and 15 inches). This is due to the fact that the number of resistors with a value of 100 ohms that are located on the screen display substrate are counted as 4.

