Unraveling the Mysteries of Mesitylene: A Comprehensive Guide

Mesitylene, commonly known as 1, 3, 5-trimethylbenzene, has the chemical formula C6H3 (CH3)3. It is an odourless liquid with a recognisable fragrant scent. Mesitylene belongs to the group of substances known as aromatic hydrocarbons, which are distinguished by their strong fragrance and cy


Mesitylene, commonly known as 1, 3, 5-trimethylbenzene, has the chemical formula C6H3 (CH3)3. It is an odourless liquid with a recognisable fragrant scent. Mesitylene belongs to the group of substances known as aromatic hydrocarbons, which are distinguished by their strong fragrance and cyclic arrangement of carbon atoms.

By alkylating benzene with propylene, mesitylene is made commercially. Small quantities of it are also naturally present in some kinds of crude oil and coal tar. The melting point of mesitylene is -45°C and its boiling point is 166°C. Although it is insoluble in water, several organic solvents, including benzene, toluene, and chloroform, can dissolve it.

Mesitylene has a high degree of symmetry, which is one of its most prominent characteristics. With regard to its three methyl groups and benzene ring, the molecule is symmetrical. Mesitylene has several intriguing physical characteristics as a result of its symmetry, such as the capacity to crystallise with a high degree of order.
